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Mailing Address Only:

Hudson, WI, 54016

About us

A local small business once started as my late husband’s hobby, now a company I continue to run in his honor, providing a service to better our community with a way to dispose of scrap metal, appliances and electronics.

Most people are in possession of items they no longer want and just do not know how to dispose of them due to being too large to put out to the trash, and many are illegal to just dump into your trash. People are also busy and do not have time or a way to transport these large items to the scrap yard themselves. Honestly, the scrap yard we go to, does not pay you for your metals unless your load is greater than 500 lbs. This is where our services comes in handy; we come to you; we do all the work! No pickup is too small. If you need to get rid of it, we will take it. Pile up your items and give us a call or message us to schedule a pickup.

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